Notifiable Animal Disease in Nepal
Notifiable Animal Disease in Nepal
Notifiable disease is that type of disease those should notify for the concern authority/government authority when disease diagnosed or outbreak occurs. These disease are most important due to economic point and high morbidity and mortality. It is also known as reportable disease. Notifiable diseases are of public interest by reason of their contagiousness, severity, or frequency. As per Animal health and livestock service act 2055 and regulation2056 there are twenty Six (26) animal disease as notifiable disease. These are as follows:
1. Anthrax
2. Atropic Rhinitis
3. Auzesky's Disease
4. Bovine Brucellosis
5. Bovine Tuberculosis
6. Buffalo Pox
7. Caprine and Ovine Brucellosis
8. Classical Swine fever
9. Contagious bovine Pleuropneumonia
10. Contagious Caprine Pleuropneumonia
11. Ovine Epididymitis
12. Ovine Foot rot
13. Pestes des petits ruminants
14. Porcine Brucellosis
15. Rinderpest
16. Sheep Pox and Goat Pox
17. Avian Influenza/ Fowl Plague
18. Avian Tuberculosis
19. Chicken Viral Infectious Anemia
20. Duck Viral Enteritis Anemia
21. Duck Viral Hepatitis
22. Glanders
23. Foot and Mouth Disease
24. Rabies
25. African swine fever
26. Lumpy skin disease
FMD and rabies are listed on 9 Bhadra 2076 B.S. and African swine fever and Lumpy skin disease on 12 poush 2080 B.S.